A session authenticated for a user with Nakama server.


  • Session



  • Parameters

    • token: string
    • refresh_token: string
    • created: boolean

    Returns Session


created: boolean

If the user account for this session was just created.

created_at: number

The UNIX timestamp when this session was created.

expires_at?: number

The UNIX timestamp when this session will expire.

refresh_expires_at?: number

The UNIX timestamp when the refresh token will expire.

refresh_token: string

Refresh token that can be used for session token renewal.

token: string

The authorization token used to construct this session.

user_id?: string

The ID of the user who owns this session.

username?: string

The username of the user who owns this session.

vars?: object

Any custom properties associated with this session.


  • Parameters

    • token: string
    • refreshToken: string

    Returns void

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