Interface ContextOrBuilder

All Superinterfaces:,
All Known Implementing Classes:
Context, Context.Builder

public interface ContextOrBuilder extends
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getRules(int index)
    A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.
    A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.
    A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.
    getRulesOrBuilder(int index)
    A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.
    A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.

    Methods inherited from interface


    Methods inherited from interface

    findInitializationErrors, getAllFields, getDefaultInstanceForType, getDescriptorForType, getField, getInitializationErrorString, getOneofFieldDescriptor, getRepeatedField, getRepeatedFieldCount, getUnknownFields, hasField, hasOneof
  • Method Details

    • getRulesList

      List<ContextRule> getRulesList()
       A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.
       **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order.
      repeated .google.api.ContextRule rules = 1;
    • getRules

      ContextRule getRules(int index)
       A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.
       **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order.
      repeated .google.api.ContextRule rules = 1;
    • getRulesCount

      int getRulesCount()
       A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.
       **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order.
      repeated .google.api.ContextRule rules = 1;
    • getRulesOrBuilderList

      List<? extends ContextRuleOrBuilder> getRulesOrBuilderList()
       A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.
       **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order.
      repeated .google.api.ContextRule rules = 1;
    • getRulesOrBuilder

      ContextRuleOrBuilder getRulesOrBuilder(int index)
       A list of RPC context rules that apply to individual API methods.
       **NOTE:** All service configuration rules follow "last one wins" order.
      repeated .google.api.ContextRule rules = 1;